Ace Careers is an Institution, specializing in Training & consulting and is a pioneer in Training & consulting in IT field. We are committed to provide quality training & services to our students and clients. We have a fully equipped office with state of the art infrastructure, and qualified professionals.
Training, Internship, Employment... A complete assistance...
Imagine being able to say: “I’m adding value to the CAD Design world.”At Ace Career Solutions employees can and do it every day. What makes Ace Career Solutions a great place to work for? We’ve built our success by executing a very clear vision: knowledge and skills that liberates. And it’s working…
We have well experienced Professionals and corporate Trainers Who have on an Average 3 plus years of Experience. Once the Course is completed We will conduct a Interview from our Experienced Trainer and for Design Software we conduct tool test After which we will arrange for interview and refer in Companies for interviews...
We at Ace Career Solutions, partner with you to solve your short term and long term career objectives. Once we understand your requirement we will be able to source the people with the right skill set, aptitude, attitude and have commitment to help you achieve your goals.